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Romantic Rituals for Marriage. If your marriage works right, then it will be a rewarding thing in your life.
However, once the marriage goes wrong, then the result of your relationship can be devastating. Lots of people
struggle in a relationship but still decide to start a marriage life – this is one of the reasons why many couples end up with a divorce.
For sure you’ve at least once researched online for tips and guidance for a blissful and long-lasting marriage, but the guidance of professionals is not always easy to follow.
Free Casting or
Have you ever thought about casting a marriage hex?
The power of love magic can protect the marriage of you and your partner and also help you tie the knot with the person you desire.
Table of Contents

Top 5 Marriage Rituals for Your Happiness​

#1: The marriage moon​

Our first choice in this list is a Wiccan marriage ritual using white magic – the aim is to draw real, committed love into your life. The best time to cast this ritual is during the full moon as it’s when your energy is the most powerful.
Find a room or any quiet space where you can see the moon. Don’t perform the ritual if the sky seems cloudy, and normally the full moon lasts for 3 days.
Ingredients: a silver ring, a white rose, lemon verbena, a white dish, dried yarrow, and damiana
How to cast?
  • Hold the ring with your left hand, stand facing the moon, and look straight at the moon through the center of the ring
  • Chant the following words:
“Please create the bond I always desire
I will never get tired of my true love
With the witness of this full moon,
Please bring me a long-lasting marriage”​
  • Hold up the rose on the right in a way that makes it cover the moon completely
  • Repeat the chant
  • Place the ring on the base of your rose
  • Put both the ring and the flower into the dish having mixed herbs
  • Repeat the chant
  • Romantic Ritual for Marriage
This ritual needs some time to manifest, so please be patient. Good preparation will strengthen the power of your so remember to gather all necessary materials and supplies one day before the ritual.

#2: The marriage Ritual for harmony​

The next spell in this list is again another white magic hex designed to add harmony to your current marriage. Many issues often happen after you are committed to someone; therefore, casting the marriage harmony will keep you focusing on the happiness of your marriage.
A typical couple brings up only negative things about each other when the conflict occurs. That’s why you should make use of this hex here because it helps you remember positive aspects of your partner as well as worth-saving factors of your relationship.
Ingredients: a purple candle, a red candle, and a white candle
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